Dr. Terry Mcivor’s Vision for PNLPsy™ and Mental Health Support

Navigating the Future

“Dr. Terry Mcivor, founder of IGH3P®, pioneers PNLPsy™, integrating NLP, psychology, and neuroscience. Empirical validation and ethical integrity define his approach, shaping the future of coaching and mental health support globally.”

We had the privilege of interviewing with pioneering psychologist Dr. Terry McIvor, President and Founder of the International Guild of Hypnotherapy, NLP, and 3 Principles Practitioners and Trainers (IGH3P®), to discuss his ground-breaking work in Pathophysiological Neuro-Linguistic Psychology (PNLPsy™).

As an academic leader with expertise spanning neuroscience, psychiatric psychology, and empirical research, Dr. McIvor has dedicated his career to advancing the psychological sciences. Through his innovative integration of neuro-linguistic programming, empirical psychology, and neuroscience, Dr. McIvor is spearheading the development of PNLPsy™ – a revolutionary new framework poised to transform coaching, mentoring, and psychological therapies.

In this exclusive interview, Dr. McIvor shares with us the genesis of PNLPsy™, its immense potential to address pressing psychological needs, and his unwavering commitment to evidence-based practices and ethical integrity. We gain powerful insights into how NLPsy™ leverages neuroplasticity for psychological change, sets new benchmarks for efficacy in coaching/mentoring, and promises to shape the future of psychological disciplines globally.

From his collaboration with elite specialists to his role leading IGH3P® in standardizing industry practices, it is clear this psychologist-turned-trailblazing-entrepreneur has set his sights on no less than a paradigm shift in his field. The implications of his pioneering work in PNLPsy™ cannot be overstated.

Can you share the inspiration behind creating Pathophysiological Neuro-Linguistic Psychology (PNLPsy™) and what led you to combine Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), empirical psychology, and neuroscience in this innovative field?

The development and continuing development of PNLPsy™ was and is quite a personal journey for me. As Chair of Psychology at Manipur International University, I’ve been in a unique position to observe the overlap and, sometimes, the gaps between various psychological disciplines. The idea was to create a discipline that not only bridges these gaps but also stands up to the rigours of empirical testing. With the university’s resources, I’m excited about the prospect of conducting clinical trials to validate the efficacy of PNLPsy™ techniques.

How do you envision PNLPsy™ contributing to the evolution of psychological sciences, and what unique advantages does it offer over traditional approaches?

PNLPsy™ is set to make a significant mark on the psychological sciences. With the ability to conduct clinical trials at the university, we’re not just theorising; we’re proving. This evidence-based approach, combined with the practical aspects of NLP and the insights from neuroscience, offers a comprehensive framework that I believe will revolutionise how we understand and apply psychological practices.

As the CEO of the International Guild of Hypnotherapy, NLP, and 3 Principles Practitioners and Trainers, how do you see PNLPsy™ influencing coaching and mentoring standards within the professional community?

Leading the International Guild of Hypnotherapy, NLP, and 3 Principles Practitioners and Trainers has connected me with an extensive network of professionals. As we develop PNLPsy™, this network becomes invaluable, allowing us to set new benchmarks in coaching and mentoring. We’re not just teaching; we’re rigorously testing our methodologies to ensure they meet the highest standards of efficacy and ethics. While also working with the coaching and mentoring regulator.

In your opinion, how does the integrative approach of PNLPsy™ enhance the effectiveness of psychological interventions, and what potential impact could it have on addressing psychological issues?

The integrative approach of PNLPsy™, underpinned by solid research and clinical trials, naturally enhances the effectiveness of psychological interventions. We’re not guessing here; we’re applying scientifically validated techniques tailored to individual needs, ensuring our interventions are as impactful as possible.

Could you provide examples of therapeutic approaches within PNLPsy™ that leverage neuroplasticity to address psychological challenges?

At the heart of PNLPsy™ is our focus on neuroplasticity, and being in a leadership position in a university department allows me to explore this through clinical research. We’re developing therapeutic approaches that harness the brain’s ability to rewire itself, offering hope and tangible results for those facing psychological challenges. The integration of sound psychological neurology and a sophisticated understanding of neuroplasticity into PNLPsy™ not only distinguishes it from traditional NLP but also ensures that it remains a dynamic, scientifically grounded discipline. As we continue to explore the complexity of the human brain, PNLPsy™ stands ready to adapt and incorporate these discoveries, promising a future of psychological practice that is both effective and deeply rooted in neuroscience.

How does PNLPsy™ address the issue of pseudoscience in psychology, and what steps are taken to ensure that its methodologies are firmly grounded in evidence-based practices?

One of my key missions with PNLPsy™ is to clear the fog of pseudoscience that can sometimes cloud our field. Through rigorous clinical trials and a commitment to empirical evidence, we will ensure that PNLPsy™ stands as an example of a scientifically validated practice in psychology. We want to standardise the coaching industry, increasing standards and weeding out the cowboys and cowgirls.

In terms of professional development, how does PNLPsy™ support coaches and mentors in accessing scientifically validated tools and techniques for their practice?

With the establishment of my accredited international professional body, IGH3P®, we’re in a prime position to support coaches and mentors with tools and techniques that aren’t just effective but are proven to be so. This is about elevating psychology, coaching, and mentoring practices to new heights, backed by solid research and ethical integrity.

Ethics play a crucial role in PNLPsy™. Can you elaborate on the ethical principles guiding this discipline and how they contribute to maintaining integrity in psychological interventions?

Ethics are non-negotiable in PNLPsy™. As we advance this discipline, every step is taken with a deep sense of responsibility towards the individuals we serve. Our ethical guidelines are stringent, ensuring that every aspect of PNLPsy™, from research to practice, upholds the highest standards of integrity.

As a leader in the field, how do you see PNLPsy™ shaping the future of coaching, mentoring, and psychological practices globally?:

With the resources and network at my disposal, I see PNLPsy™ as a pivotal force in shaping the future of psychological practices. We’re not just creating a new discipline; we’re setting a new standard that insists on empirical validation, ethical practice, and real-world efficacy.

Can you share insights into your collaborative efforts with other well-being professional bodies and how these collaborations contribute to the ongoing development of PNLPsy™?

The development of PNLPsy™ is a collaborative endeavour. Working with a network of professional coaching, research, and accrediting organisations, we’re not only advancing PNLPsy™ but also rigorously testing its therapeutic power. This collaborative approach ensures that PNLPsy™ is continually refined, validated, and aligned with the needs of those we aim to serve.

This interview is showcased in the print issue of Entrepreneur Prime magazine. Click image to enlarge.